High school news

Netball District 13

Our netball teams once again participated in the district 13 league this year. 32 schools played against one another across 5 pools. Brescia House School fielded 11 teams and played in Pool B.

Netball District 13


After much preparation throughout the term, our soccer team ended off the season on a very successful note, placing in the Top 6 at Catholic Schools' Soccer and beating Saheti 8-0.


High School Assembly

Each week in assembly, the High School learn how to greet people in a different language. On Monday 19th June, it was about sign language.

High School Assembly

Choir and Music Institute Performances

It was a busy week for our Music Department with our Choir and Musicians performing at different events throughout the week.

Choir and Music Institute Performances


Our netball teams have had a very busy week playing fixtures and won 23 of their 31 matches.


Festival of Excellence in Dramatic Arts

The FEDA (Festival of Excellence in Dramatic Arts) results are in, and we are proud to announce that Brescia House finished in the top 15 schools!

Festival of Excellence in Dramatic Arts

Equestrian News

Congratulations to all our riders who competed in the 4th qualifier this past weekend. All our riders did extremely well.

Equestrian News

Combined Choirs 2023

On Monday 29 May, Brescia House School Choir collaborated with St. David’s Marist Inanda College Choir to perform at the Insieme Choir Concert hosted by Brescia House School.

Combined Choirs 2023