Foundation Phase

Grade 3 Math Rotations

The Grade 3’s love Maths!

Grade 3 Math Rotations

Grade 3 Alice in Wonderland Avatars

The Grade 3s have had so much fun with our Theme of “Alice in Wonderland”.

Grade 3 Alice in Wonderland Avatars

Grade 2 The Living Tree

Our Grade 2s have been exploring all creatures that could live in a tree.

Grade 2 The Living Tree

Grade 3 Alice in Wonderland

The Grade 3s have been enjoying an adventure ‘down the rabbit hole’ with their theme of Alice in Wonderland.

Grade 3 Alice in Wonderland

Acrosport Competition

Juliet Black recently received her Gauteng Colours for Acrosport.

Acrosport Competition


Lelethu Zulu was awarded Gauteng Colours for Acrosport at the Johannesburg Acrosport District Competition on Sunday. 


Grade 1 Spelling

Our Grade 1s have been practising their spelling words by playing a game.

Grade 1 Spelling


Our Playball Pros are honing their skills today.
