2 Aug 2022

PTA Potjie Cook-off

The Lambineers
The King Protea
The Goodlooks Cooks

On Saturday, 30th July, Brescia House School held their Dad-and-Daughter Potjie Cook-off. The day was filled with fun and festivities with around 75 teams participating on the day. Stands were decorated by the individual families while the Brescia House School DJ entertained the crowds and kept the vibe going. Celebrity and professional chefs judged the competition. Congratulations to the following teams:

Top 3 best potjies:

1st prize: The Goodlooks Cooks - 60 points

2nd prize: King Protea - 55 points

3rd prize: The Lambineers - 53 points

Best Decorated:

1. The Godfathers

2. The Flamin' Unicorns

1st Contestants Dad/Daughter to arrive:

Team Pot Luck

1st Contestant to sign up:

The Adcock Family